Mega Man

My 4yr daughter’s interpretation of MEGAman, “The Blue Guy needs to use the phone to call his blue friends.”

My 6yr old son’s interpretation of MEGAman, “I’m the blue guy and I need to get back to the blue guy future.”


Anything Invented…

“Anything invented before you were born is part of the natural order of the universe. Anything invented before you turn 35 is an exciting new technology and possible career opportunity. Anything invented after that is evil and contrary to nature.” – Douglas Adams

Learning Something New

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. – Charles Darwin

The new media/interactive landscape shifts every few years; the web evolves and technology evolves with it. It is necessary to adapt and change with these shifts. My next learning goals are to learn how to program using the Arduino open-source microprocessors and how to program using Processing. Books have been borrowed from the library, Adruino boards purchased and a lonely Robo-Sapien awaits to be reanimated.